Arabian Plate Geology Group


Welcome to The Arabian Plate Geology Group. The Arabian Plate Geology Group is part of the Ali I. Al-Naimi Petroleum Engineering Research Center and is led by Professor Abdulkader (Aboud) M. Afifi. Our research covers the scientific and practical aspects of:

  • The regional geology of the Arabian Peninsula.
  • The geologic evolution of the Red Sea.
  • Structural geology of the Gulf of Aqaba and its margins.
  • Carbon dioxide disposal in sedimentary and mafic/ultramafic rocks.

Our research integrates field geology, stratigraphy, structural geology, mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, and biostratigraphy to understand the work of nature.  We collaborate with other KAUST and international research groups.  Our research is well funded by KAUST and industrial sponsors.

Fully funded graduate student positions are available for outstanding full-time students wishing to pursue a Master of Science and/or doctorate degree. We also have openings for post-doctoral researchers.  Applicants should have a background in geology, geochemistry, and /or geophysics and a strong interest in our research topics.


If you would like any information about Internships at KAUST you can find more information HERE




08 May, 2024

Highligting APG research at SEPM Congress - Flagstaff 2024

APG showcased its research on the evolution of the Red Sea and the evolution and erosion of the landforms of western Saudi Arabia at SEPM Congress - Flagstaff 2024.

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06 March, 2024

Geothermal resources potential in Saudi Arabia

From 6-7 March, Professor Abdulkader M. Afifi and PhD candidate Miliausha Petrova participated in a workshop on Saudi Arabia’s Untapped Resources: Geothermal Energy.

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12 February, 2024

Miliausha Petrova presents at ITPC conference 2024

PhD candidate Miliausha Petrova presented an e-poster entitled: The Potential for CO2 Disposal in the Volcanic Fields of the Arabian Peninsula at the 2024 ITPC conference.

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