04 May, 2021
Miocene sediments offset by a normal fault in the Midyan Peninsula. Antoine Delaunay as scale. Behind him see the sismites within the redbeds.
Drone Photo: Jakub Fedorik.
Top view image of distributed strike-slip deformation offsetting dikes in the basement, Midyan Peninsula. High deformation is also reflected in dense fracture pattern.
Drone Photo: Jakub Fedorik
Strike-slip fault of the Aqaba Gulf onshore fault system, Midyan Peninsula. Jakub Fedorik as scale. Presence of cataclasites (centimetric to metric in size; not on the picture)
Photo: Antoine Delaunay
Nabatean Tombs carved into the Burqan Sandstones, AlBad’, Saudi Arabia.
Photo: Antoine Delaunay
Sunset over Sinai, Gulf of Aqaba, Saudi Arabia.
Photo: Antoine Delaunay
Field work was done under KAUST CRG project 4082 on the Geological evolution of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba. We thank NEOM for permission to conduct field research in their area.